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1. 两数之和 - go限制解释




例如下面这个返调用会报错:cannot use str_ (type [5]int) as type []int in argument to re

package main

func main() {
    str_in := [5]int{1,2,3,4,5}

func re(str_in []int) []int{
    return str_in

同理,下面这个返回会报错:cannot use re(str_in) (type []int) as type [5]int in assignment

package main

func main() {
    str_in := []int{1,2,3,4,5}
    var str_out [5]int
    str_out = re(str_in)

func re(str_in []int) []int{
    return str_in


func twoSum(nums []int, target int) []int {
    answer := []int{0,0}
    for i:=0; i<len(nums); i++{
        for j:=i+1; j<len(nums); j++{
            if nums[i] + nums[j] == target{
                answer[0] = i
                answer[1] = j
                return answer
    return answer
int* twoSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int target, int* returnSize){
    for (int i = 0; i < numsSize; ++i) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < numsSize; ++j) {
            if (nums[i] + nums[j] == target) {
                int* ret = malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
                ret[0] = i, ret[1] = j;
                *returnSize = 2;
                return ret;
    *returnSize = 0;
    return NULL;
class Solution {
    vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
        int n = nums.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) {
                if (nums[i] + nums[j] == target) {
                    return {i, j};
        return {};
class Solution {
    public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
        for(int i=0;i<nums.length;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<nums.length;j++){
                if(j != i && (nums[j]+nums[i]) == target){
                    return new int[]{i,j};
        return null;

3. 无重复字符的最长子串


掐头去尾 abcde 遇到 c abcde -> cdec -> dec 如果直接写 len(str)[index+1:](index指c是在最长子串abcde中的位置),可能由于index只有一个导致报错,所以先加上最后一个,在用[1:]区分 很直接的暴力思路

func lengthOfLongestSubstring(s string) int {
    if len(s)<=1{
        return len(s)
    str := string(s[0])
    ans := 1
    flag := 0
    index := 0
    for i:=1; i<len(s); i++{
        for j:=0; j<len(str); j++{
            if str[j] == s[i]{
                flag = 1
                index = j
        if flag == 0{
            str = str + string(s[i])
            if len(str) > ans{
                ans = len(str)
            str = (str[index:] + string(s[i]))[1:]
            flag = 0
    return ans

7. 整数反转 - 整数题思路





可以使用int来赋值进行try catch


func reverse(x int) int {

    length := int(len(strconv.Itoa(x)))
    sum := 0

    if x < 0{
        x = -x
        for i:=0; i<length-1; i++{
            sum = sum + x % int(math.Pow(10, float64(i+1))) / int(math.Pow(10, float64(i))) * int(math.Pow(10, float64(length-i-2)))
            x = x - x % int(math.Pow(10, float64(i+1)))
            if sum > int(math.Pow(2, float64(31)))-1 || sum < -int(math.Pow(2, float64(31))){
                return 0
        return -sum
        for i:=0; i<length; i++{
            sum = sum + x % int(math.Pow(10, float64(i+1))) / int(math.Pow(10, float64(i))) * int(math.Pow(10, float64(length-i-1)))
            if sum > int(math.Pow(2, float64(31)))-1 || sum < -int(math.Pow(2, float64(31))){
                return 0
        return sum
    return sum
class Solution {
    public int reverse(int x) {
        try {
            int Fx;
            String s = String.valueOf(x);
            String Fs = "";
            for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (s.charAt(i) == '-') {
                    Fs = s.charAt(i) + Fs;
                } else {
                    Fs = Fs + s.charAt(i);
            Fx = Integer.valueOf(Fs);
            return Fx;
        }catch (Exception e){return 0;}


9. 回文数







1. 取位数1
2. 乘以100000
3. 12321-10000为2321,12321%10000为2321。否则false
4. 之后用2321/10就能得到232
5. 递归,直到小于100,用极限条件判断即可
func isPalindrome(x int) bool {
    if x<0{
        return false

    if x<10{
        return true

    if x<100 && x>=10{
        if (x/10) == (x%10){
            return true
            return false

    num := strconv.Itoa(x)
    for w := 0; w<len(num)/2; w++{
        if num[w] != num[len(num)-w-1]{
            return false
    return true
class Solution {
    public boolean isPalindrome(int x) {
        try {
            int Fx;
            String s = String.valueOf(x);
            String Fs = "";
            for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (s.charAt(i) == '-') {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    Fs = Fs + s.charAt(i);
            Fx = Integer.valueOf(Fs);
            return Fx==x;
        }catch (Exception e){return false;}


13. 罗马数字转整数




func romanToInt(s string) int {

    result := 0

    for x := 0; x < len(s); x++{
        switch {
            case s[x] == 'M':
                result = result + 1000
            case s[x] == 'D':
                result = result + 500
            case s[x] == 'C':
                if x == len(s)-1{
                    result = result + 100
                }else if s[x+1] == 'D'{
                    result = result + 400
                    x = x+1
                }else if s[x+1] == 'M'{
                    result = result + 900
                    x = x+1
                    result = result + 100
            case s[x] == 'L':
                result = result + 50
            case s[x] == 'X':
                if x == len(s)-1{
                    result = result + 10
                }else if s[x+1] == 'L'{
                    result = result + 40
                    x = x+1
                }else if s[x+1] == 'C'{
                    result = result + 90
                    x = x+1
                    result = result + 10
            case s[x] == 'V':
                result = result + 5
            case s[x] == 'I':
                if x == len(s)-1{
                    result = result + 1
                }else if s[x+1] == 'V'{
                    result = result + 4
                    x = x+1
                }else if s[x+1] == 'X'{
                    result = result + 9
                    x = x+1
                    result = result + 1
                return result
        if x == len(s)-1{
            return result
    return result
class Solution {
    public static int romanToInt(String s) {
        try {
            int roman = 0;
            s = s + "  ";

            for (int i = 0; i < s.length() - 1; ) {
                // I
                if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("I") && !s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("V") && !s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("X")) {
                    roman = roman + 1;
                    i = i + 1;
                } else if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("I") && s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("V")) {
                    roman = roman + 4;
                    i = i + 2;
                } else if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("I") && s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("X")) {
                    roman = roman + 9;
                    i = i + 2;
                // V
                if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("V")) {
                    roman = roman + 5;
                    i = i + 1;
                // X
                if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("X") && !s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("L") && !s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("C")) {
                    roman = roman + 10;
                    i = i + 1;
                } else if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("X") && s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("L")) {
                    roman = roman + 40;
                    i = i + 2;
                } else if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("X") && s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("C")) {
                    roman = roman + 90;
                    i = i + 2;
                // L
                if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("L")) {
                    roman = roman + 50;
                    i = i + 1;
                // C
                if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("C") && !s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("D") && !s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("M")) {
                    roman = roman + 100;
                    i = i + 1;
                } else if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("C") && s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("D")) {
                    roman = roman + 400;
                    i = i + 2;
                } else if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("C") && s.substring(i + 1, i + 2).equals("M")) {
                    roman = roman + 900;
                    i = i + 2;
                // D
                if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("D")) {
                    roman = roman + 500;
                    i = i + 1;
                // M
                if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals("M")) {
                    roman = roman + 1000;
                    i = i + 1;

                if (s.substring(i, i + 1).equals(" ")) {
                    return roman;

            return roman;
        }catch(Exception e){
            return 0;

14. 最长公共前缀



func longestCommonPrefix(strs []string) string {

    short := 201
    index := -1

    for x:=0; x<len(strs); x++{
        if len(strs[x]) < short{
            short = len(strs[x])
            index = x

    if short < 0{
        return ""

    result := ""

    for x:=0; x<len(strs[index]); x++{
        prefix := strs[index][:x+1]
        for y :=0; y<len(strs); y++{
            if prefix != strs[y][:x+1]{
                return result
        result = prefix
    return result

19. 删除链表的倒数第N个结点



* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
*     Val int
*     Next *ListNode
* }
func removeNthFromEnd(head *ListNode, n int) *ListNode {

    var ans *ListNode
    head = reverseList(head)
    ans = head
    n = n-1
    if n == 0{
        head = head.Next
        head = reverseList(head)
        return head
    for i:=1; i<n; i++{
        head = head.Next
    if head.Next.Next == nil{
        head.Next = nil
        head.Next = head.Next.Next
    ans = reverseList(ans)
    return ans

func reverseList(head *ListNode) *ListNode {

    if head == nil || head.Next == nil{
        return head

    var pre, cur *ListNode
    pre = nil
    cur = head
    for (cur != nil) {
        nex := cur.Next;
        cur.Next = pre;
        pre = cur;
        cur = nex;
    return pre;


20. 有效的括号 - ||和&&注意事项




|| 有一个1则过

&& 有一个0则不过


if s[x]==')' && len(s_)>0 && s_[len(s_)-1]=='('
func isValid(s string) bool {
    var s_ string
    s_ = ""
    if len(s)==0{
        return true

    for x:=0; x<len(s); x++{

        if s[x]=='(' || s[x]=='[' || s[x]=='{'{
            s_ = s_+s[x:x+1]
        }else if s[x]==')' && len(s_)>0 && s_[len(s_)-1]=='(' {
            s_ = s_[:len(s_)-1]
        }else if s[x]==']'  && len(s_)>0 && s_[len(s_)-1]=='['{
            s_ = s_[:len(s_)-1]
        }else if s[x]=='}'  && len(s_)>0 && s_[len(s_)-1]=='{'{
            s_ = s_[:len(s_)-1]
            return false
    if s_==""{
        return true
    return false


24. 两两交换链表中的节点 - 腾讯笔试升级版



* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
*     Val int
*     Next *ListNode
* }
func swapPairs(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
    // write code here
    if head == nil || head.Next == nil {
        return head

    var first, second *ListNode

    first, second = head, head.Next
    first.Next = swapPairs(second.Next)
    second.Next = first 
    return second 


=== go(升级版)

package main
import . "nc_tools"

* type ListNode struct{
*   Val int
*   Next *ListNode
* }

* 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可
* @param head ListNode类 
* @return ListNode类
func reorderList( head *ListNode ) *ListNode {
    // write code here
    if head == nil || head.Next == nil || head.Next.Next == nil{
        return head

    var first, second, third, fourth *ListNode

    if head.Next.Next.Next != nil{
        first, second, third, fourth = head, head.Next , head.Next.Next, head.Next.Next.Next
        second.Next = reorderList(fourth.Next)
        fourth.Next = first 
        return third 
        first, second, third = head, head.Next , head.Next.Next
        second.Next = third.Next
        third.Next = first
        return third


26. 删除有序数组中的重复项 - Attention





func removeDuplicates(nums []int) int {

    nums_now := 10001
    new := 0

    if len(nums)==0{
        return 0

    for i:=0; i<len(nums); i++{

        if nums_now != nums[i]{
            nums_now = nums[i]
            nums[new] = nums_now
            new = new+1

    return new


27. 移除元素




func removeElement(nums []int, val int) int {

    count := 0

    for x:= 0; x<len(nums); x++{
        if nums[x] == val{
            count = count + 1
            temp := nums[x-count]
            nums[x-count] = nums[x]
            nums[x] = temp

    return len(nums) - count

35. 搜索插入的位置



func searchInsert(nums []int, target int) int {
    if nums[0] > target{
            return 0
    if nums[len(nums)-1]<target{
        return len(nums)

    for x:=0; x<len(nums); x++{
        if nums[x] == target{
            return x
        if nums[x] < target && nums[x+1] > target{
            return x+1
    return 0

58. 最后一个单词的长度



func lengthOfLastWord(s string) int {
    arr := strings.Split(s," ")

    for x:=len(arr)-1;x>=0;x--{
        if len(arr[x])>0{
            return len(arr[x])

    return 0

59. 螺旋矩阵II - 数组声明







result := make([][]int, n)
for i := range result {
    result[i] = make([]int, n)


func generateMatrix(n int) [][]int {
    result := make([][]int, n)
    for i := range result {
        result[i] = make([]int, n)
    nums := 0
    forward := 0
    count := 1
    for {
            case forward==0: {
                for y:=0; y<n-nums*2; y++{
                    result[nums][y+nums] = count
                    count = count+1
                    if count == n*n+1{
                        return result
                forward = 1 
            case forward==1: {
                for y:=0; y<n-nums*2-1; y++{
                    result[y+nums+1][n-nums-1] = count
                    count = count+1
                    if count == n*n+1{
                        return result
                forward = 2

            case forward==2: {
                for y:=0; y<n-nums*2-1; y++{
                    result[n-nums-1][n-nums-2-y] = count
                    count = count+1
                    if count == n*n+1{
                        return result
                forward = 3 
            case forward==3: {
                for y:=0; y<n-nums*2-2; y++{
                    result[n-2-nums-y][nums] = count
                    count = count+1
                    if count == n*n+1{
                        return result
                forward = 0
                nums = nums+1
    return result

69. x的平方根



注意(head+tail)/2的时候很可能遇到小数,然后向下去整之后就小于了,例如 例如x为17,head为3,tail为5如果取整,head就是3,tail就是4,但是期待的结果是head为4,tail为5,因此要加个限制,如下

if (head+tail)/2 * (head+tail)/2 > x{
            tail = (head+tail)/2
            if tail*tail < x{
                tail = tail + 1
            head = (head+tail)/2
func mySqrt(x int) int {
    head := 0
    tail := x
    for i:=0;i>-1;i++{

        if head*head == x{
            return head

        if tail*tail == x{
            return tail

        if tail == head + 1{
            return head

        if (head+tail)/2 * (head+tail)/2 > x{
            tail = (head+tail)/2
            if tail*tail < x{
                tail = tail + 1
            head = (head+tail)/2
    return 0

83. 删除排序链表中的重复元素





* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
*     Val int
*     Next *ListNode
* }
func deleteDuplicates(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
    var head_head *ListNode
    head_head = head

    if head == nil{
        return head

    num_now := head.Val
    for head.Next != nil{
        if head.Next.Val == num_now{
            if head.Next.Next != nil{
                head.Next = head.Next.Next
                head.Next = nil

            num_now = head.Next.Val
            head = head.Next
    return head_head

118. 杨辉三角



func generate(numRows int) [][]int {

    result := make([][]int, numRows)
    for i:=1; i<=numRows; i++{
        total = total+i
        result[i-1] = make([]int, i)
    if numRows>2{
        for i:=2; i<numRows; i++{
            for j:=1; j<len(result[i])-1; j++{
                result[i][j] = result[i-1][j]+result[i-1][j-1]
    return result

119. 杨辉三角 II



func getRow(rowIndex int) []int {
    result := make([][]int, rowIndex+1)
    for i:=1; i<=rowIndex+1; i++{
        total = total+i
        result[i-1] = make([]int, i)
    if rowIndex>=2{
        for i:=2; i<rowIndex+1; i++{
            for j:=1; j<len(result[i])-1; j++{
                result[i][j] = result[i-1][j]+result[i-1][j-1]
    return result[rowIndex]

121. 买股票的最佳时机





func maxProfit(prices []int) int {
    profit := 0
    price := prices[0]

    if len(prices)<2{
        return 0

    for i:=1; i<len(prices); i++{
        if price > prices[i]{
            price = prices[i]
        }else if prices[i]-price > profit{
            profit = prices[i]-price

    if profit==0{
        return 0

    return profit
func maxProfit(prices []int) int {
    for i:=0; i<len(prices)-1; i++{
        for j:=i+1; j<len(prices); j++{
            if prices[j]-prices[i] > maxprice{
                maxprice = prices[j]-prices[i]
    if maxprice == 0{
        return 0
    return maxprice

125. 验证回文串 - 正则





reg, _ := regexp.Compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")
    s = reg.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
func isPalindrome(s string) bool {      
    if len(s) == 0{
        return false

    reg, _ := regexp.Compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")
    s = reg.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
    s = strings.ToLower(s)
    for i:=0; i<len(s)/2; i++{
        if s[i] != s[len(s)-1-i]{
            return false

    return true

136. 只出现一次的数字



func singleNumber(nums []int) int {
    if len(nums)<2{
        return nums[0]
    target := nums[0]
    flag := 0
    for i:=0; i<len(nums);i++{
        target = nums[i]
        flag = 0
        for j:=0; j<len(nums);j++{
            if i!=j && nums[j] == target{
                flag = 1
        if flag == 0{
            return target
    return target

142. 环形链表II



* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
*     Val int
*     Next *ListNode
* }
func detectCycle(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
    var cur *ListNode
    var loc []*ListNode
    if head ==nil || head.Next == nil{
        return nil
    cur = head
    loc = append(loc, cur)
    for cur.Next != nil{
        cur = cur.Next
        for i:=0; i<len(loc); i++{
            if cur == loc[i]{
                return cur
        loc = append(loc, cur)
    return nil

182. 查找重复的电子邮箱 - SQL



# Write your MySQL query statement below

select email from Person group by email having count(email) > 1

195. 第十行 - Linux



# 统计文件行数
num=`cat file.txt | wc -l`
# head 显示前几个 | tail 显示后几个 意思为显示前十个的最后一个
ans=`cat file.txt | head -10 | tail -1`
# 左边是否小于右边
if [ $num -lt 10 ]
    echo ""
else echo $ans

202. 快乐数 - Pow



func res(n int) int{
    for n >= 1{
        res = res + int(math.Pow(float64(n%10),2))
    return res

func isHappy(n int) bool {
    repeat := [1000]int{0}
    for n != 1{
        n = res(n)
        if repeat[n] != 0{
            return false
            repeat[n] = 1
    return true

203. 移除链表元素 - 链表赋值过程




* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
*     Val int
*     Next *ListNode
* }
func removeElements(head *ListNode, val int) *ListNode {
    if head == nil{
        return head

    var ans *ListNode
    ans = head

    for head.Val == val{
        if head.Next != nil{
            head = head.Next
            head = nil
            return head

    for ans.Next != nil{

        if ans.Next.Val != val{
            ans = ans.Next
            if ans.Next.Next != nil{
                ans.Next = ans.Next.Next
                ans.Next = nil
                return head
        if ans.Next == nil{
            return head
    return head

206. 反转链表 - 究极基本功



* Definition for singly-linked list.
* type ListNode struct {
*     Val int
*     Next *ListNode
* }

func reverseList(head *ListNode) *ListNode {

    if head == nil || head.Next == nil{
        return head

    var pre, cur *ListNode
    pre = nil
    cur = head
    for (cur != nil) {
        nex := cur.Next;
        cur.Next = pre;
        pre = cur;
        cur = nex;
    return pre;

* Definition for singly-linked list.
* struct ListNode {
*     int val;
*     ListNode *next;
*     ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
*     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}
*     ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
* };
class Solution {
    ListNode* reverseList(ListNode* head) {
        ListNode* prev = nullptr;
        ListNode* curr = head;
        while (curr){
            ListNode* next = curr->next;
            curr->next = prev;
            prev = curr;
            curr = next;
        return prev;

209. 长度最小的子数组



  • 没有数组
  • 数组为1
  • 数组第一个大于target



func minSubArrayLen(target int, nums []int) int {

    if len(nums) == 0{
        return 0

    if len(nums) == 1 {
        if nums[0] > target{
            return 1
            return 0
        return 0

    if nums[0] > target{
        return 1

    length := 1
    length_shortest := 100001
    sum := nums[0]

    for x := 1; x<len(nums); x++{
        flag := 0
        length, length_shortest, sum, flag = shortest(target, nums, length, length_shortest, sum, x, flag)

    if length_shortest == 100001{
        return 0

    return length_shortest

func shortest(target int, nums []int, length int, length_shortest int, sum int, x int, flag int) (int, int, int, int){

    if flag == 0{
        length = length + 1
        sum = sum + nums[x]
        if sum >= target{
            if length < length_shortest{
                length_shortest = length
            length, length_shortest, sum, flag = shortest(target, nums, length, length_shortest, sum, x, 1)
        sum = sum - nums[x-length+1]
        if sum >= target{
            length = length -1
            if length < length_shortest{
                length_shortest = length
            length, length_shortest, sum, flag = shortest(target, nums, length, length_shortest, sum, x, 1)
            sum = sum + nums[x-length+1]
        return length, length_shortest, sum, flag

    return length, length_shortest, sum, flag

217. 存在重复元素




func containsDuplicate(nums []int) bool {
    if len(nums) < 2{
        return false
    index := nums[0]
    for i:=0; i<len(nums)-1; i++{
        if nums[i] == nums[i+1]{
            return true
        if nums[i] != index{
            index = nums[i]
    return false

225. 用队列实现栈 - 究极基本功




type MyStack struct {
    queue1, queue2 []int

func Constructor() (ans MyStack) {

func (this *MyStack) Push(x int)  {
    this.queue2 = append(this.queue2, x)
    for len(this.queue1) > 0 {
        this.queue2 = append(this.queue2, this.queue1[0])
        this.queue1 = this.queue1[1:]
    this.queue1, this.queue2 = this.queue2, this.queue1


func (this *MyStack) Pop() int {
    ans := this.queue1[0]
    this.queue1 = this.queue1[1:]
    return ans

func (this *MyStack) Top() int {
    return this.queue1[0]

func (this *MyStack) Empty() bool {
    return len(this.queue1) == 0

* Your MyStack object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor();
* obj.Push(x);
* param_2 := obj.Pop();
* param_3 := obj.Top();
* param_4 := obj.Empty();

232. 用栈实现队列 - 究极基本功



type MyQueue struct {
    inStack, outStack []int

func Constructor() MyQueue {
    return MyQueue{}

func (this *MyQueue) Push(x int)  {
    this.inStack = append(this.inStack, x)

func (this *MyQueue) in2out() {
    for len(this.inStack) > 0 {
        this.outStack = append(this.outStack, this.inStack[len(this.inStack)-1])
        this.inStack = this.inStack[:len(this.inStack)-1]

func (this *MyQueue) Pop() int {
    if len(this.outStack) == 0 {
    x := this.outStack[len(this.outStack)-1]
    this.outStack = this.outStack[:len(this.outStack)-1]
    return x

func (this *MyQueue) Peek() int {
    if len(this.outStack) == 0 {
    return this.outStack[len(this.outStack)-1]

func (this *MyQueue) Empty() bool {
    return len(this.inStack) == 0 && len(this.outStack) == 0

* Your MyQueue object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor();
* obj.Push(x);
* param_2 := obj.Pop();
* param_3 := obj.Peek();
* param_4 := obj.Empty();

242. 有效的字母异位词



func isAnagram(s string, t string) bool {
    list_s := [26]int{0}
    list_t := [26]int{0}
    if len(s) != len(t) || len(s)<=0 || len(t)<=0{
        return false
    for i:=0; i<len(s); i++{
        list_s[int(s[i]-'a')] = list_s[int(s[i]-'a')]+1
    for i:=0; i<len(t); i++{
        list_t[int(t[i]-'a')] = list_t[int(t[i]-'a')]+1
    for i:=0; i<len(list_s); i++{
        if(list_s[i] != list_t[i]){
            return false
    return true

344. 反转字符串



func reverseString(s []byte)  {
    var temp byte
    if len(s)>1{
        for i:=0; i<len(s)/2; i++{
            temp = s[i]
            s[i] = s[len(s)-i-1]
            s[len(s)-i-1] = temp

347. 前K个高频元素 - Bug





func topKFrequent(nums []int, k int) []int {

    count := [200000]int{0}
    ans_count := make([]int, k)
    ans := make([]int, k)
    index := -1

    for i:=0; i<len(nums); i++{
        ans_count, index = findMin(ans, ans_count, nums[i])
        count[nums[i]+100000] = count[nums[i]+100000]+1
        if count[nums[i]+100000] > ans_count[index]{  
            ans_count[index] = count[nums[i]+100000]
            ans[index] = nums[i]


    return ans

func findMin(ans []int, ans_count []int, nums int) ([]int, int){
    min := 100000
    index := -1
    for i:=0; i<len(ans_count); i++{
        if ans[i] == nums{
            min = ans_count[i]
            index = i
            return ans_count, index
        if ans_count[i] < min{
            min = ans_count[i]
            index = i

    return ans_count, index

349. 两个数组的交集



func intersection(nums1 []int, nums2 []int) []int {
    common := [1000]int{0}
    var ans []int
    for i:=0; i<len(nums1); i++{
        common[nums1[i]] = 1
    for i:=0; i<len(nums2); i++{
        if common[nums2[i]] == 1{
            ans = append(ans, nums2[i])
            common[nums2[i]] = 2
    return ans

383. 救赎信



func canConstruct(ransomNote string, magazine string) bool {
    nums_ransomNote := [26]int{0}
    nums_magazine := [26]int{0}

    for i:=0; i<len(ransomNote);i++{
        nums_ransomNote[int(ransomNote[i]-'a')] = nums_ransomNote[int(ransomNote[i]-'a')]+1
    for i:=0; i<len(magazine);i++{
        nums_magazine[int(magazine[i]-'a')] = nums_magazine[int(magazine[i]-'a')]+1

    for i:=0; i<26;i++{
        if nums_ransomNote[i] > nums_magazine[i]{
            return false
    return true

454. 两数相加



// 暴力
// func fourSumCount(nums1 []int, nums2 []int, nums3 []int, nums4 []int) int {
//     ans := 0
//     for num1:=0; num1<len(nums1); num1++{
//         for num2:=0; num2<len(nums2); num2++{
//             for num3:=0; num3<len(nums3); num3++{
//                 for num4:=0; num4<len(nums4); num4++{
//                     if nums1[num1] + nums2[num2] + nums3[num3] + nums4[num4] == 0{
//                         count = count+1
//                     }
//                 }
//             }
//         }
//     }
//     return ans
// }

func fourSumCount(nums1 []int, nums2 []int, nums3 []int, nums4 []int) int {

    nums := map[int]int{}
    ans := 0

    for i:=0; i<len(nums1); i++{
        for j:=0; j<len(nums2); j++{
            nums[nums1[i]+nums2[j]] = nums[nums1[i]+nums2[j]] + 1


    for i:=0; i<len(nums3); i++{
        for j:=0; j<len(nums4); j++{
            ans = ans + nums[-nums3[i]-nums4[j]]

    return ans


459. 重复的字符串





// func repeatedSubstringPattern(s string) bool {
//     var sub string
//     var ans string
//     for i:=0; i<len(s); i++{
//         for j:=1; i+j<len(s); j++{
//             sub = s[i:i+j]
//             ans = ""
//             if len(s)%len(sub) == 0{
//                 for x:=0; x<len(s)/len(sub); x++{
//                     ans = ans + sub
//                 }
//                 if ans == s{
//                     return true
//                 }
//             }
//         }
//     }
//     return false
// }

func repeatedSubstringPattern(s string) bool {
    var com string
    ss := s+s
    for i:=1;i+len(s)<len(ss);i++{
        com = ss[i:i+len(s)]
        if com == s{
            return true
    return false

541. 反转字符串II



func reverseStr(s string, k int) string {
    var ans string
    for len(s) >= k{
        var trans string
        if len(s) >= 2*k{
            trans = s[:2*k]
            s = s[2*k:]
            trans = s[:len(s)]
            s = s[len(s):]
        for i:=0; i<k; i++{
            ans = ans + string(trans[k-i-1:k-i])
        ans = ans + trans[k:]
    for i:=0; i<len(s); i++{
        ans = ans + string(s[len(s)-i-1:len(s)-i])
    return ans

704. 二分查找



func search(nums []int, target int) int {
    head := 0
    tail := len(nums)-1
    target = findTarget(head, tail, target, nums)
    return target

func findTarget(head int, tail int, target int, nums []int) int{
    if target < nums[head] || target > nums[tail]{
        return -1
    if head==tail{
        if nums[head+(tail-head)/2]==target{
            return head+(tail-head)/2
            return -1

    if nums[head+(tail-head)/2]==target{
        return head+(tail-head)/2
    }else if nums[head+(tail-head)/2]<target{
        return findTarget(head+(tail-head)/2+1, tail, target, nums)
        return findTarget(head, head+(tail-head)/2-1, target, nums)
    return -1

707. 设计链表 - 究极基本功



type MyLinkedList struct {
    head *ListNode
    size int

func Constructor() MyLinkedList {
    var myLinkedList MyLinkedList
    var head *ListNode
    size := 0
    myLinkedList.head = head
    myLinkedList.size = size
    return myLinkedList

func (this *MyLinkedList) Get(index int) int {

    if index < 0 || index >= this.size{
        return -1
        var head *ListNode
        head = this.head
        for i:=0; i<index; i++{
            head = head.Next
        return head.Val
    return -1

func (this *MyLinkedList) AddAtHead(val int)  {
    this.AddAtIndex(0, val)


func (this *MyLinkedList) AddAtTail(val int)  {
    this.AddAtIndex(this.size, val)

func (this *MyLinkedList) AddAtIndex(index int, val int)  {

    if(this.size < index){
    if(index == 0){
        var _head ListNode
        _head.Val = val
        _head.Next = this.head
        this.head = &_head
        this.size = this.size + 1
        var head *ListNode
        head = this.head
        for i:=0; i<index-1; i++{
            head = head.Next
        var tail ListNode
        tail.Val = val
        tail.Next = head.Next
        head.Next = &tail
        this.size = this.size + 1


func (this *MyLinkedList) DeleteAtIndex(index int)  {

    if(this.size <= index){
    }else if(index == 0 && this.size > 1){
        this.head = this.head.Next
        this.size = this.size-1
    }else if(index == 0 && this.size == 1){
        var head *ListNode
        size := 0
        this.head = head
        this.size = size
        this.size = this.size-1
    }else if(index == this.size -1){
        var head *ListNode
        head = this.head
        for i:=0; i<index-1; i++{
            head = head.Next
        head.Next = nil
        this.size = this.size-1
    }else if(this.size > index){
        var head *ListNode
        head = this.head
        for i:=0; i<index-1; i++{
            head = head.Next

        head.Next = head.Next.Next
        this.size = this.size-1


* Your MyLinkedList object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor();
* param_1 := obj.Get(index);
* obj.AddAtHead(val);
* obj.AddAtTail(val);
* obj.AddAtIndex(index,val);
* obj.DeleteAtIndex(index);

912. 排序数组 - Bug



import "math/rand"

func sortArray(nums []int) []int {
quick(&nums, 0, len(nums) - 1)
return nums

func quick(arr *([]int), i, j int) {
if i >= j {return}
mid := partition(arr, i, j)
quick(arr, i, mid - 1)
quick(arr, mid + 1, j)

func partition(arr *([]int), i int, j int) int {
p := rand.Intn(j - i + 1) + i  // 随机选取“支点”
nums := *arr
nums[i], nums[p]  = nums[p], nums[i]
for i < j {
    for nums[i] < nums[j] && i < j { j-- }  // 修改原来的 nums[j] >= nums[i],增加交换频率
    if (i < j) {
    nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i]
    for nums[i] < nums[j] && i < j { i++ }  // 修改原来的 nums[j] >= nums[i],增加交换频率
    if i < j {
    nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i]
return i
func sortArray(nums []int) []int {
    return quickSort(nums, 0, len(nums)-1)

func partition(nums []int, head int, tail int) int {

    base := nums[head]
    for head < tail{
        for head<tail && nums[tail] >= base{
            tail = tail -1
        nums[head] = nums[tail]
        for head<tail && nums[head] <= base{
            head = head + 1
        nums[tail] = nums[head]
    nums[head] = base

    return head

func quickSort(nums []int, head int, tail int) []int {
    if tail > head{
        base := partition(nums, head, tail)
        quickSort(nums, head, base-1)
        quickSort(nums, base+1, tail)
    return nums

977. 有序数组的平方





func sortedSquares(nums []int) []int {

    for x:=0; x<len(nums); x++{
        nums[x] = nums[x]*nums[x]

    for x:=0; x<len(nums)-1; x++{
        for y := 0; y<len(nums)-1-x; y++{
            if nums[y] > nums[y+1]{
                temp := nums[y+1]
                nums[y+1] = nums[y]
                nums[y] = temp

    return nums    

1002. 查找公用字符





func commonChars(words []string) []string {

    common := make([][]int, len(words))
    for i:=0; i<len(words); i++{
        common[i] = make([]int, 26)

    for i:=0; i<len(words); i++{
        for j:=0; j<len(words[i]); j++{
            common[i][int(words[i][j]-'a')] = common[i][int(words[i][j]-'a')]+1

    var ans []string

    for i:=0; i<26; i++{
        min := 100
        flag := 0
        for j:=0 ; j<len(common); j++{
            if common[j][i] == 0{
                flag = 1
                j = j+26
            }else if common[j][i] < min{
                min = common[j][i]
        if flag == 0{
            for x:=0; x<min; x++{
                ans = append(ans, string('a'+i))

    return ans

func commonChars(words []string) []string { common := [26]int{0}

for i:=0; i<len(words); i++{
    for j:=0; j<len(words[i]); j++{
        index := int(words[i][j]-'a')
        if common[index] == i{
            common[index] = common[index] + 1

var ans []string

for i:=0; i<len(common); i++{
    if common[i] == len(words){
        ans = append(ans, string('a'+i))

return ans


1017. 负二进制转换 - Bug



func baseNeg2(n int) string {

    ans := "0" 
    add := "1"
    res := 0
    for res != n{
        count := len(ans)
        res = 0 
        for count > 0{
            if ans[len(ans)-count:len(ans)-count+1] == string('1'){
                res = res + int(math.Pow(-2, float64(count-1)))
            count = count-1
        if res != n{
            ans = AddBinary(ans, add)

    return ans

func AddBinary(a string, b string) string {
    lenA, lenB := len(a), len(b)
    if lenA > lenB {
        b = strings.Repeat("0", lenA-lenB) + b
    } else {
        a = strings.Repeat("0", lenB-lenA) + a

    result := ""
    carry := 0
    for i := len(a) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        sum := int(a[i]-'0') + int(b[i]-'0') + carry
        carry = sum / 2
        result = strconv.Itoa(sum%2) + result
    if carry != 0 {
        result = "1" + result
    return result
func baseNeg2(n int) string {
    if n == 0 {
        return "0"
    bits := [32]int{}
    for i := 0; i < 32 && n != 0; i++ {
        if n&1 > 0 {
            if i&1 > 0 {
        n >>= 1
    carry := 0
    for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
        val := carry + bits[i]
        bits[i] = val & 1
        carry = (val - bits[i]) / -2
    pos := 31
    res := []byte{}
    for pos >= 0 && bits[pos] == 0 {
    for pos >= 0 {
        res = append(res, byte(bits[pos])+'0')
    return string(res)

1047. 删除字符串中的所有相邻重复项



func removeDuplicates(s string) string {
    var waitcom string
    for i:=0; i<len(s); i++{
        if len(waitcom) == 0{
            waitcom = waitcom+string(s[i:i+1])
        }else if string(s[i:i+1]) == waitcom[len(waitcom)-1:]{
            waitcom = waitcom[:len(waitcom)-1]
            waitcom = waitcom+string(s[i:i+1])
    return waitcom

1213. 三个有序数组的交集

class Solution {
    public static List<Integer> arraysIntersection(int[] arr1, int[] arr2, int[] arr3) {

        List<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>();

        int answer[] = new int[2001];
        for(int i=0;i<=2000;i++){
            answer[i] = 0;

        for(int i=0;i<arr1.length;i++){
            answer[arr1[i]] = answer[arr1[i]] + 1;
        for(int i=0;i<arr2.length;i++){
            answer[arr2[i]] = answer[arr2[i]] + 1;
        for(int i=0;i<arr3.length;i++){
            answer[arr3[i]] = answer[arr3[i]] + 1;

        for(int i=0;i<=2000;i++){
            if(answer[i] == 3){

        return list;

1214. 查找两棵二叉搜索树之和

* Definition for a binary tree node.
* public class TreeNode {
*     int val;
*     TreeNode left;
*     TreeNode right;
*     TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
* }
class Solution {
    public boolean twoSumBSTs(TreeNode root1, TreeNode root2, int target){
        List<Integer> list1=new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> list2=new ArrayList<>();

        for(int i=0;i<list1.size();i++){
            if(list2.contains(target-list1.get(i)) == true){
                return true;
        return false;
    public void order(TreeNode root,List<Integer> list){
            return ;


1217. 玩筹码

class Solution {
    public static int minCostToMoveChips(int[] chips) {
        int cost = 0;
        int costone = 0;

        for(int i=0;i<chips.length;i++){
            if(chips[i] % 2 == 0){
                cost = cost + 1;
                costone = costone + 1;
        if(cost > costone){
            return costone;
        return cost;

1365. 有多少小于当前数字的数字

class Solution(object):

    def smallerNumbersThanCurrent(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: List[int]
        self.nums = nums
        count = 0
        list = []
        for i in self.nums:
            for j in self.nums:
                if i > j:
                    count = count + 1
            count = 0
        return list

1637. 两点之间不包含任何点的最宽垂直区域



func partition(list []int, low, high int) int {
    pivot := list[low] //导致 low 位置值为空
    for low < high {
        //high指针值 >= pivot high指针\U0001f448移
        for low < high && pivot <= list[high] {
        //high指针值 < pivot high值 移到low位置
        //high 位置值空
        list[low] = list[high]
        //low指针值 <= pivot low指针\U0001f449移
        for low < high && pivot >= list[low] {
        //low指针值 > pivot low值 移到high位置
        list[high] = list[low]
    //pivot 填补 low位置的空值
    list[low] = pivot
    return low

func QuickSort(list []int,low,high int)  {
    if high > low{
        pivot := partition(list,low,high)

func maxWidthOfVerticalArea(points [][]int) int {
    list := make([]int, len(points))
    for i:=0; i<len(points); i++{
        list[i] = points[i][0]

    // for i:=0; i<len(list); i++{
    //     max := list[i]
    //     max_index := i
    //     for j:=i+1; j<len(points); j++{
    //         if list[j] > max{
    //             max = list[j]
    //             max_index = j
    //         }
    //     } 
    //     temp := list[i]
    //     list[i] = max
    //     list[max_index] = temp
    // }


    max := list[1]-list[0]
    for i:=1; i<len(list)-1; i++{
        if list[i+1]-list[i] > max{
            max = list[i+1]-list[i]
    return max

1641. 统计字典序元音字符串的数目




count, level = chara('a', count, level, n)
count, level = chara('a', count, level, n)
count, level = chara('e', count, level, n)
count, level = chara('i', count, level, n)
count, level = chara('o', count, level, n)
count, level = chara('u', count, level, n)

在于其实每一次从a开始迭就可以了,如果加上后面的就会把从e, i, o, u开始的情况也算进去,等于做了多做了四次题目第一次是a, e, i, o, u,第二次是e, i, o, u ...

func countVowelStrings(n int) int {
    count := 0
    level := 0

    count, level = chara('a', count, level, n)

    return count

func chara(character byte, count int, level int, n int) (int, int) {
    if level == n{
        count = count + 1
        return count, level
    level = level + 1
    if level <= n{
        switch character{
            case 'a':
                count,level = chara('a', count, level, n)
            case 'e':
                count, level = chara('e', count, level, n)
            case 'i':
                count, level = chara('i', count, level, n)
            case 'o':
                count, level = chara('o', count, level, n)
            case 'u':
                count, level = chara('u', count, level, n)
    level = level - 1
    return count, level

2367. 算术三元组的数目



func arithmeticTriplets(nums []int, diff int) int {

    count := 0

    for i:=0; i<len(nums); i++{
        for j:=i+1; j<len(nums); j++{
            if nums[j]-nums[i] == diff{
                for ij:=j+1; ij<len(nums); ij++{
                    if nums[ij] - nums[j] == diff{
                        count = count + 1
                    if nums[ij] - nums[j] > diff{
                        ij = ij + len(nums)
            if nums[j]-nums[i] > diff{
                j = j+len(nums)
    return count

2427. 公因子的数目



func commonFactors(a int, b int) int {
    max := a
    if b > max{
        max = b
    count := 0
    for i:=1; i<=max ;i++{
        if (a%i == 0 && b%i == 0){
            count = count+1
    return count

LCP 01. 猜数字

class Solution {
    public int game(int[] guess, int[] answer) {
        int count = 0;

        for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
            if(guess[i] == answer[i]){
                count = count + 1;

        return count;

LCP 02. 分式化简

class Solution {
        public static int[] fraction(int[] cont) {
        int m[] = new int[2];

        int mother = cont[cont.length - 1];
        int son = 1;
        int temp;

        if(cont.length == 1){
            m[0] = cont[0];
            m[1] = 1;
            return m;

        for (int i = cont.length - 2; i > 0; i--) {
            son = cont[i]*mother + son;
            if(i!=0) {
                temp = son;
                son = mother;
                mother = temp;
        son = cont[0] * mother + son;

        int s = getGCD1(mother,son);
        mother = mother/s;
        son = son/s;

        m[0] = Math.abs(son);
        m[1] = Math.abs(mother);

        for(int j=0;j<2;j++){

        return m;

    public static int getGCD1(int num1, int num2) {
        num1 = Math.abs(num1);
        num2 = Math.abs(num2);
        while (num2 != 0) {
            int remainder = num1 % num2;
            num1 = num2;
            num2 = remainder;

        return num1;




    func getLength(nums int) int{

    length := 0
    if nums < 0{
        nums = -nums
        length += 1
    for nums>=1{
        nums = nums/10
        length += 1
    if length == 0{
        length = 1
    return length

func findColumnWidth(grid [][]int) []int {
    ans := make([]int, len(grid[0]))

    for i:=0; i<len(grid[0]); i++{
        max := 0
        for j:=0; j<len(grid); j++{
            getlength := getLength(grid[j][i])
            if getlength > max{
                max = getlength
        ans[i] = max

    return ans
func findPrefixScore(nums []int) []int64 {

    ans := make([]int64, len(nums))

    if len(nums)<0 {
        return ans

    max := nums[0]
    covert := make([]int64, len(nums))
    var score int64
    score = 0

    for i:=0; i<len(nums); i++{
        if nums[i] > max{
            max = nums[i]
        covert[i] = int64(max+nums[i])
        score += covert[i]
        ans[i] = score

    return ans


SHEIN - 2023.03.29


  1. 平均年龄
  2. 马挡兵路


  1. 乘除少做,很多时候需要用数学思路解决问题!!!
package main

import (

func main() {
    W := 0
    Y := 0
    X := 0.0
    N := 0
    for {
        n, _ := fmt.Scan(&W, &Y, &X, &N)
        if n == 0 {
        } else {
            Y_ := float64(Y)
            for i:=0; i<N; i++{
                Y_ = (Y_+1)*(1-X) + X*21.0
            if Y_ > float64(int(Y_)){